Hi, I'm erica morris!
I provide helpful educational content to aspiring candle business owners
My mission
I have a passion for candle making, business and teaching. I wasn’t a fast learner in school so I like to teach the way I would want to be taught, with a large focus on visuals, examples and detailed guided instruction that feels like a one-on-one
How it all started
On September 20th, 2019 I posted my first youtube video sharing that I just started a candle business. I knew I wanted to document this journey because I have always been diligent about keeping track of things from my past to revisit later on. In fact, that's how I came up with the name for my candle business Memory Box Candle Co!
After the first few months of posting, I noticed that there was a need for this kind of content on youtube, and I was happy to fill that space! However, I knew I didn't just want to be a "how to" channel. I decided to merge candle making, business and lifestyle into one channel to better fit my personality and make it way more fun for me to make videos.
Fast forward 3 years and my life has changed in ways I never thought possible. I find the most joy in helping others start and grow their candle businesses and that's why I made my own website so that I can continue to offer you both free and premium content!
Finding my passion in candle making & business
I have to admit that I absolutely hated business when I was growing up. I always thought that business meant you had to be cut-throat, rude, dominating and cheat your way to the top. All of which are the complete opposite of who I am.
But as I fell into the world of candle making, and subsequently into the world of business, I decided to do things a little nontraditional: I publicly shared everything I learned along the way.
And oh boyyy have I learned a lot, and I continue to learn everyday. This is a never ended learning process, and I love every second of it. No one in business ever talks about this, but I have gone through immense personal growth within the past 3 years, and it's all because I decided to try my hand at candle making... who would have known!
Fun facts about me:
- I went to college for 3 years to become an English teacher but ended up dropping out to resell clothing on ebay in 2017.
- I am a pisces (Feb 20th), an INFJ, an empath and a HSP. So basically I'm a medley of emotion! This is both a strength and a weakness as a business owner.
- My favorite part about running a candle business is the creative freedom it's given me, and the fact that I love talking about it because everyone loves candles!
- The first time I sold candles in person as a vendor was Halloween weekend of 2021. It was a rush of endorphins and excitement and I'll never forget that first event!
- When I'm not making candles or filming youtube videos you can find me cooking, working out or riding my motorcycle with my husband Chris!

Get this free candle business launch checklist!
I know that preparing for your business launch can be stressful and overwhelming, so I created this launch checklist to help guide you through this process and make it a little easier for you!