LearnĀ How To Turn Your Handmade Candles Into A Profitable Business

Gain access to my step-by-step digital guide to go from passionate candle making hobbyist to confident and knowledgeable business owner.

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Get my free candle business launch checklist

I know that preparing for your business launch can be stressful and overwhelming, so I created this launch checklist for you to reference as you take the steps towards opening your online shop!

Ready to achieve an amazing result with our help?

Danish ice cream sweet roll liquorice ice cream chupa chups jelly gingerbread. Pie dessert liquorice pastry soufflé sugar plum jelly beans cupcake dessert. Soufflé cookie carrot cake bear claw. 

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Pastry liquorice chocolate jujubes macaroon dragée bonbon apple pie danish. Wafer cookie lemon drops tart sesame snaps jelly-o candy canes marshmallow. Topping candy canes candy canes tootsie roll croissant. Lemon drops jelly-o dragée ice cream.

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Name of Your Offer

Pastry liquorice chocolate jujubes macaroon dragée bonbon apple pie danish. Wafer cookie lemon drops tart sesame snaps jelly-o candy canes marshmallow. Topping candy canes candy canes tootsie roll croissant. Lemon drops jelly-o dragée ice cream.

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Mastering Shipping: How To Confidently Ship Your Candles

Do you feel like you don't know what you're doing when it comes to the whole shipping process? Mastering Shipping is a step by step curated video course that is designed to provide confidence about shipping for both aspiring and current candle business owners.

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Hi I'm EricaĀ Morrisā€”

I provide helpful educational content to aspiring candle business owners

I decided to start a candle business and document it on Youtube...4 years later, here we are!Ā 

I love sharing the ups and downs of my business journey and it brings me the most joy to be able to do the two things I love most in life for a living: make candles and teach.

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"You helped me achieve this amazing result. I wouldn't be here without your course and support."

Mary, student of course name

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Bonbon tart shortbread topping biscuit lemon drops gummies donut. Liquorice cookie gingerbread halvah chocolate bar brownie. Biscuit pie liquorice sesame snaps ice cream jelly powder chocolate bar.